

Parenting Books

Daniel Seagals parenting series excellent support for figuring out when to really focusing on nurturing and helping a child regulate their overwhelm versus when to hold the line as a parent. They have science backed principles that are presented in an approachable and clear ways.
Great material.

John Gottmans insights on supporting your child in understanding themselves

Postpartum books

For kids & teens

Communication & relationships

Non-Violent Communication
This book clearly lays out how to have tough discussions without falling into common pitfalls that place blame or assumptions. ITs a no frills approach to clean and clear communication.

John Gottman books

He and his wife have done many years of research on what makes relationships last. Their books are well written and always worthwhile

Brene Brown is another psychological researcher who has written rich and well informed books that offer concrete advice and insights for managing anxiety and improving our relationship to ourselves and others.

Mindfulness & meditation books

This is a great book on how meditation and mindfulness affects psychology and the brain. It includes research and exercises.



Well Woman Acupuncture


* Resources are offered as a starting point, due diligence is the client’s responsibility. North Boulder Counseling does not necessarily support any particular view points held by or shared by listed resources