Depression Treatment
In-person in Boulder, CO & online throughout Colorado
Depression Makes Everything Harder
Depression Is:
- Exhausting
- Painful
- Disappointing
- Relentless
- Lonely
- Frustrating
- Defeating
- And Hard to Change By Yourself
We can help make things easier.
What does depression feel like?
You may feel exhausted, empty, unmotivated, check out, or may not see the point anymore.
Am I depressed?
- Connection: How often do you feel connected to other people? Do you have close relationships where you share experiences that feel valuable and meaningful to you?
- Meaning: Do you feel like the work you do or how you spend your day is meaningful to you? Is it worthwhile to you or others in a satisfying way?
- Hope: Do you feel that there is hope for you and your loved ones in the future? Do you feel hopeful that some harder things will improve?
- Self-worth: Do you feel that what you do matters? Do you feel that you add value to the world or even conversations and experiences of others?
- Motivation: Do you feel like you can focus? Can you get things done when you want to?
- Healthy: Do you feel that you are taking good care of your body? Are you sleeping, eating, and moving the amount that helps you be most healthy?
The treatment plans for depression can vary. But, in general, the plan is to get you more connection, meaning, hope, self-worth, motivation, and health. At North Boulder Counseling we have therapists who are trained in many different options for depression treatment. They are effective and tailored to your personal depression experience and therapy preferences.
What is Depressions?
Let’s first talk about the clinical diagnosis of depression. Depression is a little different from anxiety. There isn’t a generalized depression diagnosis like there is with anxiety. In short, there are a variety of depressive episodes that can characterize depression or pervasive depression. These episodes may appear as general depression. But, the diagnostic criteria are still significant enough that often people who are feeling generally depressed don’t entirely meet them. And, they may also not meet the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder. This is the version that has big, deep depressive episodes.
As a result, this makes clinical depression a little strange. Many people experience prolonged distress, hopelessness, sadness, or other depression-related experiences without ever having clinical depression.
This is where we at North Boulder Counseling can add a human touch
Life is hard, so doing all the hard parts and not getting the good stuff can feel pretty awful. We can help. Our depression treatment works.
Our team addresses the big 4: Thoughts, Feelings, Actions & Connection.
1. Become more aware of your thoughts, feelings & actions:
Depression is a state in which you are being fed a lot of low-quality and harmful thoughts. You also have a very low awareness of the specific content of those thoughts, when they occur, or how to change them. It’s a game of chicken and egg. The low-quality thoughts stimulate painful emotions and generally beget action. Or, behaviors that reinforce the cycle.
If we can disrupt this cycle in any one spot even a small amount but often it disrupts the default neural firing. In short, if you mess up the habit there are small spaces to make other choices instead of living out the depression habit.
2. Connection:
The central tenant of many mental health struggles, especially depression is isolation. It is common for people who are experiencing depression symptoms to keep those feelings to themselves. Or, at least the extent of those feelings to themselves.
In depression treatment, you tell another person the deep dark things (on your own time). By doing so, there is another person in the world who knows what it’s like to be you. You may also work with your therapist at some point to determine who else and how to share your reality in a safe way. You don’t have to go around dumping all your feelings. That wouldn’t be healthy anyway. But something as simple as saying ‘it’s been rough’ when someone asks how you are rather than saying fine may go a long way to help you feel being yourself is ok. To be frank, if everyone was a little more truthful about their experience we would all feel less messed up and less alone. Honesty is kindness when we learn the skills to use it in that way.
Why Am I Depressed?
Well, this is a good question and one people often want to know the answer to. Depression experiences can be triggered by trauma, loss, grief, and massive changes like becoming a parent. Or, having another kid. Depression can also be genetic, hormonal, spiritual and the list goes on. We are happy to help you work through this question. So, if you feel you need this answer you have the information that is most helpful to help you come to your own answers.
Why is it often less important when we know there’s a way forward? There is always a way forward.

Begin Depression Treatment in Boulder, CO
You deserve support in overcoming your depression symptoms. Our team of caring therapists can help you find your way forward. We are happy to offer support from our Boulder, CO-based therapy practice. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
- Contact our therapy center
- Request an appointment to learn more about our team
- Begin overcoming your depression!
Other Services Offered at North Boulder Counseling in Colorado
Depression treatment isn’t the only service our Boulder, CO counseling practice offers. Our team also offers anxiety treatment, postpartum anxiety treatment, postpartum depression counseling, perinatal support, young adult counseling, counseling for women, counseling for men, parenting coaching, grief counseling, trauma treatment and EMDR, depression treatment, teen therapy, LGTBQ counseling, online therapy, and play therapy.